[ELMARAD] INmusic Festival 2021 Esemény

INmusic festival 2021


Sajnos a horvát fesztiválpiac sem ússza meg a 2021-es ritkítást, amelynek egyik nagyon fájó pontja, hogy az INmusic sem kerül megrendezésre idén. Alább a szervezők hivatalos közleménye:

Despite the optimism of the COVID-19 vaccination discovery and the planned immunization process that ruled the headlines in late 2020, the fight against the coronavirus, an unprecedented force majeure event of our time, proves to be more challenging and persisting than was expected. The reality of the pandemic sweeping across Europe even still, leaves us, as so many other festivals, with only one outcome – INmusic festival #15 will not take place this June either.

New dates for INmusic festival #15 will be June 20th to June 22nd, 2022. Tickets purchased for the 15th edition of INmusic festival will remain valid for the new postponed dates.

We are in frequent contact with artists announced for the festival bill and we ask for your patience while the scheduled tours are being postponed accordingly to the pandemic.

We have spent the last year working closely with our colleagues from festivals across Europe trying to find the best science based and most reasonable ways to bring back the live events to our large audiences. We gave it our all, but the current situation demands even more patience and perseverance. We are sad, disappointed, and tired, as many of you are too. Still, you have found time and positivity to send us your words of encouragement and share your memories from previous INmusic festival editions – and for this we are sincerely and deeply thankful. Your support will remain the fuel that keeps us going. Stay safe, stay kind and we will push through this together


INmusic Festival 2021 jegyárak:

  • bérlet: 67 €-tól

  • kemping jegy (7 napos): 33 €


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