ELMARAD - Mighty Sounds 2020: Social Distortion, Agnostic Front, Dub Pistols, The Rumjacks, ... Esemény

Mighty Sounds 2020


2020-ban Csehország legvagányabb fesztiválja, a Mighty Sounds is behúzza a kéziféket, alább a szervezők hivatalos, angol nyelvű közleménye:

"With heavy hearts, we have to announce that due to the emergency measures and regulations that are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, there will be no Mighty Sounds festival in 2020.

We have spent the last few weeks on the lookout for the most recent information and developments, trying to find a way to make the event happen this year. However, at this point the reasons why this would not be possible are already too many: including, above all, size limits for group gatherings, travel restrictions, and cancelled or postponed tours of booked artists.

This is going to be the first summer without Mighty Sounds since 2005. For our crew, this is almost inconceivable and it absolutely breaks our hearts (as we imagine it breaks yours). The situation is all the more difficult because the festival’s continuity is essential for its survival.

As a result of the above, the 16th edition of Mighty Sounds has been moved to the summer of 2021. However, all tickets and parking/camping vouchers purchased in this year’s presale will continue to be valid for 2021. We promise we’re going to do our very best to make the triumphant return of Mighty Sounds an unforgettable celebration of everything we love about music festivals. We already have most of this years' line-up confirmed for 2021. ..."



  • Social Distortion

  • Agnostic Front

  • The Rumjacks

  • Che Sudaka

  • United Flavour

  • Mad Rabbits

  • The Toasters

  • Dub Pistols

  • Wolfbrigade

  • The Peacocks

  • Tim Vantol & The Band


Mighty Sounds 2020 részletes program >>>

Mighty Sounds 2020 jegyárak

  • normál bérlet: 55 / 65  €

  • backstage bérlet: 135 €


Mighty Sounds 2020 jegyelővétel >>>


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