ELMARAD! - PolAndRock Festival 2020: The Exploited, Clutch, Dropkick Murphys, Static-X, ... Esemény


A 2020-as év történései sajnos Európa egyik legőszintébb nagyrendezvényét is utolérte, és ezúttal nem élvezheti a sokszázezres tömeg az ingyenes a Pol’And’Rock Festival vibrálását. A rendezvény 2021. július 29. és 31. között nyitja meg ismét a kapuit. Alább a szervezők hivatalos közleménye:   

Unfortunately, we were temporarily defeated by a virus. Not just us, because he brought the whole world to his knees. Invisible to the naked eye, unraising his voice, invisible, nothing distinguished us into a corner. Not only does it sow fear, but many of us take away health and life. There are no strong ones here, this is not the moment to be heroism, this is not the time to come up with tricks. We at the Foundation simply humbly bent our heads, rolled up our sleeves and as soon as the virus came to us, we came to the help we can afford. We said to each other - we will win and we will all go for a walk together! We stick to that sentence very tight.

We believe that we will be able to go for this walk, but also, being realistic and above all responsible people - we already know today that this walk will not take place this year at the most beautiful festival in the world. In Kostrzyn nad Odra we won't meet until next year, so from 29 to 31 July 2021. We want to extend an invitation for you to take part in an online festival experience which will take place on 30.07 - 1.08 2020.

We invite you for an online meeting with music, festival guests and never-before-seen gems from our archives and messages from our artist friends from all over the world. We will be with you from morning till night whenever you can set up your computers. We are gearing up to create a one-of-a-kind adventure and to recreate that community we have lovingly tended for all these years. Let's listen to music, learn, explore new ideas and chat. You will get to experience the festival even though this year we are forced to be apart.


Fotó: Pol’And’Rock Festival


  • Clutch

  • The Exploited

  • Dropkick Murphys

  • King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

  • Static-X

  • While She Sleeps

  • Death Angel

  • Jinjer

  • Wednesday 13

  • Rise of the Northstar

  • The Rumjacks

  • Fiddler's Green

  • Black River

  • Dirty Shirt

  • Tagada Jones

  • Ørganek

  • Pidżama Porno

  • Raz Dwa Trzy

  • Saint City Orchestra

  • ...


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